
Showing posts from 2005

November and still no frost

I was fully expecting to have had to fire up the stove before now but its still comfortable enough with out a fire for now! I have eventually tracked down a company to supply spare parts for thelong overdue service for the Coalbrookdale Severn .... ashpans lined with tin foil dont last long and the glass was so cracked it was hardly worth having in the doors. New rope seals all round and a coat of stove blacking will bring back a bit of sparkle to its rather dour presence in the sitting room. 1st stock of coal arrived yesterday and if we are to believe the warnings I ought to get more in before the threatened 'big freeze' arrives. Half term has passed by now but Matt is now an almost fully qualified RYA sailing instructor(inshore) after five days of 'hard core' training at Grafham Water. Tim has moved a bit closer to fininshing collecting data from his transect of Cooper's Hill for his Geog 'A' level,at least he has drawn the plants found whilst throwin...

Balmy times

The balmy weather keeps on coming! Good thing too as I have yet to get a supply of wood (brownie points for the carboon neutral fuel) and solid fuel ( brownie points instantly cancelled!) for the stove that serves as the source of No. 67's central heating. I reckon that I don't need to start up the fire until its below 14C.... but then I stand accused of being an aesthete by those who know me well enough (thanks Jim!). I think this is the result of many years of living with limited income mixed with a puritanical dislike of debt! Where did I get that from? .... anyhow, central heating at the push of a button would be great but won't be coming to this house for a while! An extra layer does the job and the computer pumps out some heat which keeps the frost off.

Ampthill Stephens and Spanish Wheatleys outside Our Cottage

Another summer holiday in Our Cottage comes to an end for the Stephens contingent who left the Wheatleys to enjoy the heat of the Cornish Riviera. Don't know who the fat bloke on the left is!

Notes on the photos

Thank you Andrew K for corrections and suggestions as to who, and where, some of the photos were of. I think that I remember seeing some other photos from this film and that it was the year that Alice and Christopher got engaged. I will find out from Mother because she should know!
Celia and Alice punting on the Cam 1950ish

Found some negatives...

Ive added some of the pictures from some negatives I found in an envelope labeled Christopher's photos. I guess that someone has got a print of these in thier album but if not feel free to download these for your self.
Not sure who or where. Any Ideas Anyone? Is it the back of Beechcroft ?
Andrew Kendon on the Cam 1950ish
Nick,Maisie and John Stephens in Ledbury? 1950ish


Another blog enters the fray... but this is set down by a bloggy virgin... never been to another or thought about setting up one till I got caught up in the rapidly expanding family of Googlestuff, Picasa, Hello and all that jazz. I'll see what happens, might fall in love? but how long will that last!? I'll give it a try for a while
Caricknath moonlit night