November and still no frost

I was fully expecting to have had to fire up the stove before now but its still comfortable enough with out a fire for now! I have eventually tracked down a company to supply spare parts for thelong overdue service for the Coalbrookdale Severn .... ashpans lined with tin foil dont last long and the glass was so cracked it was hardly worth having in the doors. New rope seals all round and a coat of stove blacking will bring back a bit of sparkle to its rather dour presence in the sitting room. 1st stock of coal arrived yesterday and if we are to believe the warnings I ought to get more in before the threatened 'big freeze' arrives.

Half term has passed by now but Matt is now an almost fully qualified RYA sailing instructor(inshore) after five days of 'hard core' training at Grafham Water. Tim has moved a bit closer to fininshing collecting data from his transect of Cooper's Hill for his Geog 'A' level,at least he has drawn the plants found whilst throwing the (homemade)quadrat in a systematic but random offset perpendicular to the main transect...... now he needs to identify them... Nick is grometless at last after many year with pierced ears, well eardrums at least.


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