Farewell Cape Town... delayed blog...

this blog posting should have reached my Blog on the 20th Feb... but for some reason it did not leave my iPad.

A quick update to say that after seemingly interminable delays waiting for spares... Tin Tin finally departed Cape Town on the 20th Feb.. (2 days after my visa expired!)

We motored out of the Cape Grace Marina at 0620 and headed due North towards Lüderitz in Namibia.

We made a quick transition back to voyage life, 3 hrs on and 6 off, and our trusty lunchtime salad of shredded red and white cabbage, with a trailmix and mayo dressing, made a welcome reappearance.

we have had visits from 3 new species, Haviside's and Dusky Dolphins as well as Shy albatross. These are in addition to the magic encounter we had with Southen Right whales whilst out testing the water maker around Robben island. It was the water maker that delayed out departure from Cape Town as we waited for spares only to find that they didn't improve the problem. Eventually the local expert John suggests that we bypass the pressure safety mechanism and hey presto... It worked!


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