Return to Tin Tin....

A lot has happened since my last blog soon after we head arrived in the îles Marquises back in mid April.

My journey back to England was uneventful and I was met at the airport by Matthew who had taken a day of work to greet me and ferry me back home from Heathrow. Matthew was the reason four my return as he was getting married just two days later!
I knew I had lost some weight since I wad last home in November 2106 but I was not really expecting to be able to fit into MY own wedding suit quite so well!

The Matthew and Lisa's wedding was a magnificent occasion, very much in their style and a 'great party' as one of the oldest guests commented! Not only have M&E spent months organising their wedding but they have also managed tho buy and move into their own house at the same time... A real feat of organisation and financial wizardry!

The following week were filled with all sorts of 'things that must be done' including sourcing and securing a number of spare parts to help keep Tin Tin going...

Eventually I ran out of time and had to pack for a rather longer return to Tahiti via Los Angeles and Auckland... yes, Auckland, New Zealand... this was because my flight from Los Angeles to Tahiti had been cancelled (caused by Tahiti airport firemen being on strike).
So, I had a 24 hrs stopovwr in Los Angeles followed by a 10hr stop in Auckland. I arrived at Tin Tin's berth, just south of Papeete airport, at 10:30pm local time rather to the surprise of Paul, Anne and Justin who were not expecting me till the next day.

We moved across the water to the island of Moorea on the 22nd and I'll return in time for Anne's flight home.

I will place a link to a new photo album when I can get reliable and reasonably priced access to the internet...

Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.


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