Friday 29th July 2011
Woke up thinking that I really should check my flight, it was either departing at 12:10 or perhaps 10:12... Quick dash to repack, do my Hostel chore and call a taxi to get me to the airport for the 10:12 flight 61 to Anchorage via Yakutat and Cordova!
Had a breakfast of coffee and cookie and checked my emails. My choice of the flight, with stopovers, was good as we have been getting great views of the mountains and vast ice fields feeding innumerable glaciers which have large out wash fans stretching miles across the plains that separate the mountains from the sea. The airports at Yakutat and Cordova are little more than a runway and a small collection of buildings with a few bush planes on oversized tyres parked up. It is quite suprising that this flight is the first time I have encountered the grossly obese Americans we all hear about. Two very large people have squeezed their way down the aisle here in Cordova. There is a lady in the seat in front of me, well seat and a half as the arm rest has been raised to let her in, that is causing me concern! The seat is literally groaning and I hate to think what happens if we have a rough landing in Anchorage....
This is the last leg of the flight to Anchorage and then I have to get to Tim and Michelle's house and let myself in. I will be on my own till Sunday when they return from a trip with Mike, Nancy and crew. Time for some exploring of the city, maybe a rethink about warmer clothing, and some long overdue laundry!
It is 10:20 pm and the sun is just setting. I am in Tim and Michelle's house have made a foray out to The Moose's Tooth which is a pub/micro brewery/ pizza place about two blocks back down 36th street. The place was full to bursting and the beer was flowing! I stayed with their IPA and ordered a pizza to eat at the bar. Got talking to the people either side and had a pint or two more than usual i.e. two pints!
Tim has left instructions for various excursions and the keys to his Nissan... I think I will stick to the bike tomorrow and maybe use the car on Sunday morning to go out to try and find/climb 'Flat top'.
I stopped at the airport to have some lunch, my first burger since arriving, and make use of the free internet. Then I took a yellow taxi with an Albainian driver (well he has been here for 20 hrs) and arrived at T&M's about 4pm. I unpacked, and put my wet tent, footprint and towel to dry in the bright sunshine and put a load of washing in the washer. The neighbor came round to feed the rabbit and chinchilla and later sent her young son round to invite me to dinner. In unpacking I realised that I have lost some more of mu possessions .... This time the chocolate I had brought was gifts but also the box with my phone, iPod, and camera battery charger. I must have left them in the food locker at Glacier Bay so will email them and see if they have found them. I must be traveling with too many things as I don't seem to be able to remember every thing when I am in a hurry... Time for bed, then some biking adventures around Anchorage tomorrow.
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