Horseshoe Bay -Port Hardy

Horseshoe Bay -Port Hardy
Leg I :The Burrard Inn to Main st Greyhound bus station.
Alarm went off at 0510 quick wash and brush up then cramming everything into the rucksacks before heading downstairs to settle the bill... An expensive, if comfortable, stay in a recently revamped 1950s motel. All clean white walls with minimalist furniture but a very comfy bed. And a large Mac for the guests to use and print from free of charge. Free wifi to but No meals..

Having paid the bill I set of down Burrard towards the waterfront and took the SkyTrain to Main. Checked inat the Greyhound desk.. like an airport, amain bag got weighed in at 36lbs. The sky was lightening and the drizzle seemed to be setting in. The ride to Horseshoe Bay Terminal takes about 15 mins and then we were escorted through the ferry check in by the bus driver.

I followed the general flow of people onto the ferry and ended up in the cafeteria where Belgian waffles and strawberries made a nice breakfast ($9+ after tax). Then up to the solarium on the top deck to take in the views and look for whales/orcas... No luck but a nice background of English folk music drifting on the wind from a group of 3 on their way to a Folk music camp north of Campbell Bay.

Caught the Port Hardy bus at Nanaimo which takes 7hrs?

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