The adventure FINALLY starts!!

After two days of finishing off jobs own Thursday and Friday we managed to set sail at 6pm tonight.

Actually I slept aboard on Thursday night along with Niall (a university friend of Kyle and Beccy's) who is having his first sailing experience in preparation for joining in the Atlantic crossing if he likes it.

We have not gone very far tonight, stopping in a creek on the Isle of Wight just a little west of Cowes. Tomorrow we set off towards Brest hoping to arrive on Sunday morning in freshening winds. It may be that we decide to stay a while there until we can be sure of missing any gales as we cross the bay of Biscay.

Today's jobs included;
a). removing and refitting the Spinlock boom brake clutch on its side so that its movement is not restricted by the cockpit Bimini frame
b). Fitting s new pulley to the foredeck directing the sheet that rolls the staysail in a better angle which should put less strain on the curler mechanism
c). more stowing of rather large amounts of 'things' that should have a home but done really fit anywhere at present

Don't forget that you can follow our position at


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