Bay of Delight, sun, sea and shorts!

We are about mid way across the notorious Bay of Biscay now (46 Deg 19.36Min N, 06 Deg 42.03 West), and we are blessed with a calm sea and friendly winds of 15 knts with a good bit of Easterly so we are broad reaching on a heading of 192 degrees towards la Corunna. We expect to reach this northern Spanish port around mid day on Weds.

Our exit from Camaret went smoothly (no hatches left open to douse any berths his time Philip Iceaxe!). We were soon under sail and looking at making the tide gate for the Raz de Sein but he wind encourage us to continue on our course to the West past the lighthouse and the final bouy marking the end of the Illes de Sein. We have been in close company with an Estonian boat named 'Tormalind' who are also sailing south to the Canaries.

If you are following our track (see the top of the page on the blog site for the 'Where in the World is Tin Tin?), you may have noticed that we made an extremely accurate straight line over night... We were motor sailing as there was not quite enough wind to keep us on schedule. We split into 3 watches taking 3 hrs on and 6 off for the night. Niall had his first experience of solo watch keeping and due to the indisposition of the Skipper, he and I also did a double watch each.

Today we are creating a routine, or maybe I'm being over enthusiastic about creating one based on my Tallships trip, breakfast, happy half hour clean up, rigging check, sail trimming, food prep, sail trimming, etc etc....


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